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Furnace Repair Kelowna

In reviewing your needs, Furnace and air conditioning repairsconsider whether you have made upgrades to your home that may have reduced your heating needs, such as improved insulation and new windows and doors. A smaller heating unit will typically cost less and use less energy to run, however a furnace that is too small may be working harder and less efficiently than it should; plus, the added stress of trying to keep up with heating a space that is too large may also cause additional repairs and early replacement.

Efficiency also plays a role in deciding when to replace your system. Equipment nearing the end of its life expectancy is typically much less energy efficient than its modern counterpart, meaning furnace replacement can generate greater savings in your monthly energy bills. Considering the rising energy costs homeowners face, efficiency should remain top-of-mind when weighing the benefits of repairing or installing a new furnace.

Recognizing the move to a new energy-efficient furnace or heating & cooling system is a significant investment, your heating professionals should be able to review any financial incentives that may be offered for upgrading to an efficient new system. Finally, consider how well your current system is serving your family’s needs. An older HVAC system can affect air quality, generate noise, temperature swings, and hot or cold spots throughout the house. Vast technological improvements over the last decade means a new system may address these kinds of issues.

Furnace Installation Kelowna

When the weather turns cooler, you need to be able to count on your home’s furnace to keep your family warm, safe and comfortable. That peace of mind begins with a quality furnace, installed by a reputable, experienced professional. However, the best furnaces in the industry won’t give you the longevity and efficiency it should without the proper operation and maintenance.

Following the installation, it’s essential to understand how your system works and what you need to do in between maintenance visits to keep your heating system working in optimal condition. While today’s manuals answer most questions you might have, it’s always a good idea to have your professional installer provide you with a complete walk-though of your system and its unique features.

Heating System Problems

A comfortable, cozy home is easy to take for granted …until your heating system stops working.

Suddenly a dozen questions or more come in to play – do I have a trusted, experienced furnace and heating technician? Will they replace my furnace in the middle of the night or on weekends or holidays? Are there steps I can take to prevent this problem from happening again in the future?

Is it time to replace my existing heating system? These questions and many more can be easily addressed by establishing a good relationship with a local, experienced professional, ensuring your home’s comfort through the depths of cold Kelowna winters.

Furnace Maintenance & Service

a ventilation cleaner checks for dust.

What else can you do to keep your home and its heating system operating smoothly? Regular maintenance of your furnace is key, but simple steps you can take around the house can also make a big difference. When renovating, consider improving heat control and efficiency by reinforcing insulation and installing energy-efficient windows & doors – both measures also provide the added benefit of keeping your home cooler in the summer months. For improved accuracy and efficiency, your thermostat should be mounted on an internal wall, away from windows and doors. Setting your average temperature a little cooler will save on energy use – and utility bills!

Be sure you understand how your system works, any special features it has, and any potential trouble spots you need to watch for. Ask about any routine steps you need to take to keep your system running well, such as regularly cleaning the filter of dust and grime, and common pitfalls that might crop up. If this is the first new system you’ve had in a while, the new technology can be daunting, so don’t be afraid to ask for a tutorial with the control unit. While there are many common features, each one will be a little different. Trust the experts to have you up and running in no time.

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